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53,927 words | 30 chapters






Welcome to the most competitive dance school in the states. Now try and make it to the top, and see what you get.

​Starting at a new place is always tough, and starting fresh at one of the most prestigious dance companies is even tougher. All Ever Avery wanted was to belong, and to snag a part in the studio's winter ballet. But with the drama that comes with being a newbie in a cutthroat sport, she gets so much more.

​Everything's falling apart at Ambler, but the only thing Ever can do is keep moving on and try to be better than everyone else—which is a recipe for disaster in itself.

Life at The Ambler School of Dance goes on, but Ever Avery's not sure she can keep up with the overwhelming pace at the studio. With rehearsals for the spring ballet, drama amongst the dancers, and the ever-constant fear of falling behind, the students at Ambler are all in over their heads. And even though Ever thought she'd always have her friends to rely on, somehow that backfires, on her, too. Her only way out is to keep clawing her way to the top, no matter what the cost.

56,461 words | 28 chapters

Shove the newbie into the spotlight, push the seasoned veteran aside, and see if you don't get one angry drama queen.

The complicated life at Ever's dance studio suddenly becomes even more complex. The ties between friends and enemies are all twisted up, and a new dancer threatens Riley's place in the studio. And with the spring production coming up...things just aren't going well. Ever thought she knew her place at the studio. After all, she came here to dance, and that's all. But the prospect of success pulls her in, and soon enough she's as swept up into the competition as everyone else. As she and Paige battle for the lead in the spring ballet, she finds herself in the center of all the drama she was trying to avoid. Why can't everyone just get along?

56,807 words | 29 chapters

When the curtain goes up, who will be the one to break and who will be the one to shine? 

The spring production is weeks away, and Ever is panicking. Her enemy and the rightful Aurora is out with a dance injury, and her ex-boyfriend is assigned to the lead of Prince. That leaves Ever to step in and take Paige's place as Aurora—even if it means dancing with Riley. Not to mention, the competitive ties between everyone in the studio tighten now that the Clique has broken and Riley is single. 

​And opening night goes nothing like Ever expects. Before she knows it, she finds herself questioning every decision she's made since she arrived at the studio. There's one thing that's for certain. There's no turning back now. 

55,454 words | 28 chapters

BB2: Fierce Competition




BB3: Drama Queen
BB4: Prince Charming

"Marvelous! It's ridiculously entertaining."


"I know what the dynamics at really competitive schools can be, and I think that you do a great job capturing that."


"I love Ever. She is so genuine and sincere, but she has her flaws too."


"I have been sitting in my chair for the past 6 hours reading."


"I love this! I feel like I am back in my own studio."


"I like how naturally your story unfolds.  The little details that are thrown in seemingly effortlessly are what give your writing dimension."


"The characters are ridiculously well developed."


"Beautifully done! I loved the social hierarchy element."


"There aren't enough words to say how much I loved this."


"Anyone who writes a negative review to this is obviously not a dancer.  It's a story by dancers for dancers."


"Brilliant, Selena—a perfect mix of humor and drama."


"I am completely and irrevocably in love with this story."


"I think each story in the Ballet Blog series is better than the one before it."


"I cannot get over these stories. You have captured the dance world perfectly!"


"Why does this series have to be so addictive?"





Regardless of everything that's recently happened at The Ambler School of Dance, the dancers are sent off to dance camp at Maryland just as planned. Living with her best friends for seven weeks sounds exciting to Ever at first—but then she realizes that she'll also be forced to live with her enemies. And if there's one thing Ambler girls can't do, it's push aside their personal drama for the sake of dance. 

There's a traitor among them, and whoever she is, she's determined to take Ever down and ruin every chance she ever had of success. 

55,479 words | 28 chapters

It seems like the dancers at Ambler are in for disaster after disaster, and the ones that show weakness are pushed to the side faster than you can say "destined". â€‹

Ever thought the performance would go smoothly, but she couldn't have been farther from the truth. At the worst possible time, everything suddenly blows up between her and the person she cares about most, and she's put to the ultimate test—with her dancing, and with her friendships. Not to mention, summer camp is only a short while away, and Ever is trying to wrap her mind around how to survive at an overnight camp with friends and enemies alike. It seems like the race to the top is coming to an end, and only a few can be destined for the life everyone dreams of. 

54,545 words | 29 chapters



BB6: Red Carpet
BB5: Destined



Ever may have figured out who framed her at the Maryland School of Dance summer intensive, but the aftermath is definitely still affecting her. As the end-of-intensive show nears, so does everyone's chances of gaining an audience with the esteemed Manhattan Ballet scouts, and even a space in their program. And when everything falls apart on show day, Ever is forced to evaluate what's really important, and if her dreams are worth everything she's been sacrificing for them. 

What would you choose: the chance of a lifetime or your best friends? 

54,804 words | 28 chapters

BB7: Rumors
BB8: Mind Games

Fall semester starts at Ambler in a way Ever never could have expected. After the disastrous end to summer camp, Ever's not even sure all the fights, enemy-ships, and competition is worth it anymore. That's until she meets Carson. 

Carson is everything she ever wanted in a guy—and everything she never dreamed to ask for in Riley. And not only does he completely blow her off her feet from the second he steps into the studio's lobby, he pressures her to continue pursuing her dream, no matter what the cost. Unfortunately, he also creates a massive rift in her relationship with Riley. And not for the first time, Ever's not even sure if the struggle to keep it together is worth it.

She doesn't know whether Carson's playing mind games with her, or if he's truly everything he seems to be. There's one thing that's for sure, though: if he stays by her side, he will make sure she sees her name on the roster for the Manhattan Ballet one day.  The boy of her dreams is promising her a future of success if only she says yes and agrees to let go of her past. 

56,020 words | 28 chapters

BB9: Infiltration

With a disastrous end to the prestigious Richmond Ballet Competition and a show with her ex on the horizon, Ever Avery is trying more than ever to focus solely on dance instead of all the drama that comes with it at Ambler. But when clues to unravel her ex-best friend's transformation emerge, Ever can't help but follow them. After all, she has the opportunity to finally figure out why Becca betrayed her so long ago and became the girl she is now. 

But nothing at Ambler comes without a healthy dose of both drama and reality, and as Ever tries to mend friendships she finds herself pulling away from someone else she cares about deeply, all while becoming someone entirely new herself. How far is she even willing to stretch before she finally breaks and gives up entirely? 

It's a tricky road to the life of her dreams, and of course she has to unravel all of the secrets along the way. 

55,479 words | 28 chapters


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